Actor and director Jamie Cho will appear as Colonel Chan in the upcoming Dr Who special episode “The Star Beast” airing on BBC 1, on Saturday November 25 2023.

How did you get your start in the film and TV industry?
Ever since I was young I’ve always been obsessed with film. I loved movies like Indiana Jones, Superman, The Goonies – it was like going into another world. As a treat, my dad used to take me and my brother to the video shop to pick out a movie.

We grew up doing martial arts so we’d often choose Hong Kong cinema films featuring Jackie Chan, which made a huge impression on me.

But overall, I couldn’t get enough of movies from all genres – for me they were like magic on the screen. I would dress up as my favourite characters and dream about someday working in the industry.

I studied sports science & psychology at Southampton University and whilst I was there I met a friend who was working in commercials. She suggested I give her agent a call and maybe they would accept me onto their books. They did and I started working in commercials during the last year of my degree and then continued to pursue it after I graduated. Later, I went on to train at Ivana Chubbick Studio in LA.

Are there any memorable commercials you worked on?
I’ve worked on Pepsi starring J-lo, Beyonce and David Beckham which was a lot of fun. I played a gangster whom J-Lo had to fight. She accidentally hit me right in the jaw!

Luckily, I wasn’t hurt too badly and she was very apologetic.  She was actually a very cool person to work with.

Another great memory is a commercial I did for The Asian Games. It was an amazing experience where I got to travel all around India. We even shot a sunrise scene at the Taj Mahal – it was one of the most stunning sights I’ve seen.

Was it then a natural jump to working in film and TV?
Soon after working in commercials I took acting lessons and then progressed into films and TV. I remember the first time being on a film set – it was magic experiencing all the moving parts, seeing the different departments working seamlessly together. I was immersed in studying the other actors, absorbing the work of the director and the cinematographer. I knew it was my passion and I wanted to learn as much as I could.

What’s the latest project you’ve worked on?
I’m playing Colonel Chan in the Dr. Who Special with Catherine Tate and David Tennant. It’s to mark the 60th anniversary of Dr. Who. It was a brilliant experience, with an incredible cast and crew and I loved shooting in Wales.

You have some good credits in Batman Begins, Harrigan (film), TV shows like Spirit Warriors, in popular Scandi Noir Acquitted. The film industry is a challenging one, what has been the most challenging thing for you?
I’ve been extremely lucky to work in the film and TV industry. I’ve had fantastic experiences with the other creatives I’ve worked with. It can be a challenge as roles for south east Asian actors, especially males, are very limited. However, hopefully more south east Asian writers and directors can break through. I hope I can be a part of this movement, as I’ve recently written my first feature film screenplay, which I want to direct. There are not enough British Chinese stories breaking through and there are so many stories yet to tell.

Images: Jamie with Stephen Tompkinson in Harrigan and Jamie as Bonobo Monkey King in BBC Spirit Warriors

You have some good credits in Batman Begins, Harrigan (film), TV shows like Spirit Warriors, in popular Scandi Noir Acquitted. The film industry is a challenging one, what has been the most challenging thing for you?
I’ve been extremely lucky to work in the film and TV industry. I’ve had fantastic experiences with the other creatives I’ve worked with. It can be a challenge as roles for south east Asian actors, especially males, are very limited. However, hopefully more south east Asian writers and directors can break through. I hope I can be a part of this movement, as I’ve recently written my first feature film screenplay, which I want to direct. There are not enough British Chinese stories breaking through and there are so many stories yet to tell.

What’s your screenplay about?
It’s a crime thriller set in London about a policeman who goes deep undercover into a gang to break a trafficking ring. The story is full of suspense and tension, with some great action sequences which I can’t wait to bring to life on screen. I’m also really excited to shoot London in a fresh and interesting way. I love London, – it’s such a cinematic city with lots of untapped locations. Overall, I’m extremely passionate about the story and the universal message behind it.

Ching-He Huang MBE and Jamie Cho at Daytime Emmy Awards Los Angeles

You are married to celebrity chef Ching He Huang MBE. What is your favourite food/cuisine? Where in Mayfair is your favourite place to eat?
I’m definitely spoilt when it comes to food, especially having an amazing chef for a wife!  Unsurprisingly, I love Chinese food and China Tang at the Dorchester is one of my favourites.

Catch Jamie Cho on BBC Dr Who Special, 25th November 2023, BBC1.

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Images:  Jamie starring in Subaru commercial and Jamie with Christian Bale in Batman Begins